letou官网首页手机版近3年代表性论文 |
序号 |
姓名 |
成果名称 |
出版发表单位 |
发表时间 |
1 |
杨旻 |
海外并购、环境信息披露与股价同步性 |
财会通讯 |
2021-1 |
2 |
陈蒙梦 |
Eco-Efficiency Analysis for the Russian Cities along the Northern Sea Route: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach Using an Epsilon-Based Measure Model |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
2021-6 |
3 |
朱小云 |
The influence of computer network technology on national income distribution under the background of social economy |
Computer communications |
2021-6 |
4 |
陈淑扬 |
会计智能化方向课程群构建研究 |
会计之友 |
2021-11 |
5 |
李志凤 |
并购重组中业绩承诺的税务和会计处理问题分析--以斯太尔公司为例 |
中国中国注册会计师 |
2021-8 |
6 |
陈平 |
产业政策、外部治理与房地产投资—基于非房地产上市公司的经验证据 |
财会通讯 |
2021-8 |
7 |
杨咏梅 |
论REITs结构模式与税收政策—以基础设施公募REITs为例 |
财会月刊 |
2021-5 |
8 |
夏一铭 |
基于行业平台的生态文明审计创新研究 |
会计之友 |
2021-11 |
9 |
陈平 |
Intelligent Question Answering System by Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Finance and Economics Teaching |
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience |
2022-1 |
10 |
杨咏梅 |
中外“新基建”REITs底层资产与组织结构比较分析 |
中国注册会计师 |
2022-5 |
11 |
朱小云 |
分销模式下影视版权会计处理方法探析 |
财会通讯 |
2022-2 |
12 |
张丽 |
Does CEO duality worsen or fosters audit quality: evidence from Chinese firms? |
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja |
2022-6 |
13 |
马桂芬 |
The Prediction of Enterprise Stock Change Trend by Deep Neural Network Model |
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience |
2022-8 |
14 |
姚永红 |
Impact of Financing Constraints on Firm Performance:Moderating Effect Based on Firm Size |
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience |
2022-8 |
15 |
马玉娟 |
A comparative study on the tax and fee reduction policies for sustainable development: Empirical analysis from the world’s three major economies in tackling COVID-19 |
Frontiers in Environmental Science |
2022-10 |
16 |
杨春 |
生态农业背景下碳效率与农村生态经济的关系研究 |
湖北农业科学 |
2022-5 |
17 |
杨春 |
中国城镇化水平与绿色经济发展水平协调关系研究 |
湖北农业科学 |
2022-9 |
18 |
陈美华 |
论管理会计的基本假设 |
会计之友 |
2022-11 |
19 |
夏一铭 |
行业生态文明审计评价指标体系构建研究 ——以石油开采企业的重点分析 |
会计之友 |
2022-9 |
20 |
冯婧 |
The Moderating Effect of External Financing on the Relationship Between Innovation Input and Enterprise Performance Based on the Moderating Effect Model of Two Interactions |
Information Resources Management Journal |
2022-9 |
21 |
巴雅尔 |
内部控制视角下防范化解税务执法风险研究 |
会计之友 |
2022-11 |
22 |
杨春 |
Analysis of college students canteen consumption by broad learning clustering: A case study in Guangdong Province, China |
Plose One |
2022-10 |
23 |
张丽 |
Corporate social responsibility internal control and firm financial performance |
Frontiers in Psychology |
2023-04 |